Verse 1
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Amid the chaos of this world
His Word is true, His arm is strong
He is my Refuge and my Rock
He never tires, He’s always in control
My life is held safe within His hands
And I will trust, my praise is faith
My faithful God will work all things for good
The Lord Almighty reigns
Your kingdom shall never end
You’re the Anchor, secure
Hope that never fades
And on Christ our Rock we stand
On Christ our Rock we stand!
Verse 2
Where can I go? Where is my help?
When dreams lie broken on the ground
When strength is gone, if faith grows weak
When fear is waiting to be found
Look up my soul: the Lord is on His throne
My hope is found not within this world
But in His life, His mighty power
My soul rejoice, and trust in Christ alone!
Now to stand in the evil day
To stand in the eye of the storm
To stand and be confident
You are able to do more than I can ask
And more than I could ever know
Kate Simmonds and Miles Simmonds
Copyright © 2020 Simmonds Songs (Admin by Song Solutions ) CCLI No: 7147534