Verse 1
Everything worth something has a cost
You gave everything to seek and save the lost
Oh, the joy when I met Jesus at the cross
With Your life and love within me
Now my life is not my own
Let me follow You forever
Let this always be my song:
You are everything I believe
You are everything I’m living for
You are everything
That’s worth anything in this world
Verse 2
Soon this temporary world will pass away
We will see the fruit of choices that we’ve made
Lord, we’re longing for revival in our day
When blessed be the ones who hunger
Blessed be the ones who mourn
As Your light goes to the nations
As we see Your kingdom come!
You said, ‘If I be lifted, I will draw hearts unto Me’
So with justice and mercy
With lives poured out in worship
We lift You high
Kate Simmonds
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