In this Holy Week 2023, many of us will be about to serve in gatherings across this most precious of weekends. On Good Friday, we consider the cross, we remember the price paid for us to freely come to our holy God, to know Him and to know His love. On Easter Sunday we will celebrate the risen Jesus and everything He has accomplished in His victory over sin, death and the grave.
I have been reading an incredible book by Michael Reeves called 'Christ our Life'. It is not a large book, but it is packed with insight and wisdom and I wholeheartedly recommend it to you. He says, "There on the cross is displayed the glory, the wisdom, the righteousness, the love, the justice, and the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18-31). And none of it looks anything like what you'd expect. Would you ever have thought a man dying on a cross was the definition of love? Yet this is how we know what love is (1 John 3:16)."
There are many people in this world right now who genuinely wonder what real love is really like. Some people will search for months and years - where is it? Where can I find it? How can I know it? And yet we know. We have been shown, in full demonstration, Jesus sparing nothing to show us the full extent of His love. Friends, we know!
For those of you who are believers (especially those who are serving this weekend) while, yes, there are sermons and songlists to prepare, rehearsals to attend, and meals to plan and cook, take a moment - even right now - to just consider again: this is how we know what love is - Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.
For any who are not yet believers but may be searching: Jesus is the end of the search. The love of God will change your life in ways you can't imagine. He died for you because He loves you and because He wants you to know real love in real life. One prayer is all it takes to change your life forever.